2016年10月13日 星期四

Nordic nRF5x MDK v8.9.0 發佈

Raytac Corporation (勁達國際電子有限公司)
A BT4.1 & BT4.2 module maker based on Nordic nRF51 & nRF52 solution 
(nRF51822 & nRF51422 & nRF52832 & nRF51802)
Tel: +886.2.3234.0208
email: service@raytac.com

Nordic 於10/2 發佈了nRF5X MDK V8.9.0 
(Microcontroller Development Kit)

 Software Update:  
The nRF5x MDK v8.9.0 has been released. 
  • Updated compiler abstraction header files with __ALIGN macro for IAR compiler and __PACKED macro.
  • Added Baud56000 to UART enumerated values in nrf51_bitfields and nrf52_bitfields.
  • Added missing macro transformations in nrf51_to_nrf52.h compatibility header file.
  • Added missing macros for FPU and SYSTICK in nrf52832_peripheral.h header file.
  • Updated RAM size in nRF52832 device in keil4 device database. No longer reflecting EngA size but EngB and FP1.
  • Renamed some files for IAR EW IDE.
  • Added workaround for Errata 108 into system_nrf52.c.
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